Cancer Treatment Your resource for finding unbiased information about cancer treatment options. Learn about common forms of cancer and their treatment options. Thu, 09 Oct 2008 19:08:02 +0000 en Breast Cancer Treatment News Thu, 09 Oct 2008 19:08:02 +0000 Cancer Treatment Writer Here’s our weekly round up of Breast Treatment Cancer News.  This is breast cancer awareness month and there are lots of ways to contribute and participate in supporting breast cancer research.

Everyone’s Going Pink: Blogger Goes Pink White House Goes Pink Flight Attendant Go Pink

Phoenix Breast Cancer Walk for the Cure -
Phoenix Dance Group - Link
Peoria Walk for the Cure - Link
Making Strides for Cancer Event list Link
Arizona State University Community Service group walking for Cancer Link

Breast Cancer Treatment and Recovery News

Herbal Menopause treatment found effective for Breast Cancer Patients
Aspirin and Ibuprofen may cut Breast Cancer Risk
A better understanding of inherited Breast Cancer
Ancient Chinese Canoe Racing Helps Recovery from Breast Cancer Treatment

Check out these great stories about the advancement of Breast Cancer treatment.

What Every Man Needs to Know About Prostate Cancer Sun, 05 Oct 2008 23:42:54 +0000 Cancer Treatment Writer Prostate cancer occurs when cells in the prostate gland grow out of control. Although it can propagate to other parts of the body, men with a slow-growing variation of the disease can live just as long as those who don’t have cancer at all. According to research, three out of four prostate cancer cases are slow-growing and not terminal.

Who Gets it?

The second most common form of cancer in American men, prostate cancer, can strike men of any age.  Though it is most prevalent in those over 50. Additionally, African American men are more likely to develop it than Caucasian men. Men who have a history of the disease in their family are more likely to get it as well.


One treatment option for prostate cancer is known as watchful waiting, meaning the patient doesn’t have to take any action yet, visits a doctor regularly to learn how it is progressing. This may be a viable option for an older man who has been diagnosed with a slow-growing cancer. There are treatments such as radiation, medicines and surgery, though prostate cancer is curable if caught early. Treatments for prostate cancer have been known to cause problems with urination and sex.

Prostate Cancer Treatment Options Tue, 23 Sep 2008 16:57:57 +0000 Cancer Treatment Writer Women aren’t the only ones who have specialized cancers to watch out for. Men also need to have regular physical exams in order catch the first signs of prostate cancer. If you’ve been diagnosed with this disease, here are a few Prostate Cancer Treatment Options you might want to discuss with your health care provider.

One option is called a Radical Prostatectomy. This is a surgical procedure where the prostate gland is removed, along with any surrounding lymph nodes. It is seen as the best option and hospital stay is minimum. Once the surgery is complete, patients need to wear a catheter for 2-3 weeks until they regain bladder control.

Another method is through hormone therapy. This is a process that removes or reduces the levels of male hormones that aid in cancer growth. This can be done through a series of monthly shots or through the removal of the male reproductive glands. However, if the prostrate cancer comes back, little can be done if hormone therapy no longer works.

There is also the watch and wait method. Most prostate cancers grow at a very low rate of speed. In essence, a man with prostate cancer has the same life expectancy as a man without the cancer, therefore it isn’t necessary preform any treatments in the patient. As long as the tumor shows no signs of growth, there is no reason for treatment. Regular check-ups will tell your doctor what stages the tumor is in.

Men who find they have prostate cancer can still live full lives. Talk to your doctor about the different Prostate Cancer Treatment Options and which ones may be right for you. There is no reason why prostate cancer should keep you down.

Ovarian Cancer Treatment Options Tue, 23 Sep 2008 16:56:10 +0000 Cancer Treatment Writer Usually when a person thinks about cancer in women, they think about breast cancer. However, millions of women find that they have a form of ovarian cancer. The trick to this is knowing which form of ovarian cancer you have, before looking into Ovarian Cancer Treatment Options. You health care provider can help you with all the options, but here are a few you might ask about.

First of all, you need to know what stage of ovarian cancer your in. There are 4 stages of ovarian cancer, in two types. There is the Epithelial cancer and the Germ Cell tumor. Epithelial cancer grows in the soft tissues around the ovaries. Germ cell tumors are one of the most common types of ovarian cancers and usually occur in women under the age of 30

Once you know what type of ovarian cancer you’ve got, then you need to know what stage you happen to be in. Each of these comes in 4 stages, and each stage comes with its own treatment options. You doctor will be able to help you with this process on a more detailed level. Once you have this information, you’ll know which types of treatment are best for you.

The best Ovarian Cancer Treatment Options are in being informed and getting regular check-ups from your doctor. Every woman should have a yearly pelvic exam. With early detection and treatment, ovarian cancer won’t become an issue in your life.

Breast Cancer Treatment Options Tue, 23 Sep 2008 16:54:30 +0000 Cancer Treatment Writer It’s seems that more and more women are finding that they have breast cancer everyday. Even with regular check-ups and exams, they may have to find out their Breast Cancer Treatment Options. As with most cancers, there are 3 main ways of removing cancerous cells. However, with breast cancer, there are a few more options.

The biggest options, aside from the main 3, is with Hormone therapy. This is done by removing the hormones that help the cancer cell growth. This is primarily used in women who are in the earliest stages of breast cancer, or for those who’s cancer has spread. Women who have gone through menopause are given hormone therapy in conjunction with an inhibitor that decreases the levels of estrogen in the body that the cancer feeds on.

Many other forms of treatment are being studied. One option will be in removing the Sentinel Lymph Node, which is usually the first place a cancer tumor spreads. Another treatment option is in using synthetic antibodies that attach themselves to the cancer cells and destroy them. They are made from cells from the immune system and can identify cancerous cells.

You can get more information from your personal physician. Talk to your doctor about all the new Breast Cancer Treatment Options and see if there is something that is right for you. Also ask about participating in clinical trials for a few of these new treatments.

Brain Cancer Treatment Options Tue, 23 Sep 2008 16:53:21 +0000 Cancer Treatment Writer Nearly all forms of cancer use the same treatments for fighting this dreadful disease. However, when looking at Brain Cancer Treatment Options, there is a form of treatment called Biotherapy. This is a way of stimulating the body’s own immune fighting capabilities, usually in conjunction with one of the other treatment options.

Biotherapy, or Immunotherapy, is a process where doctors work to help a patient’s immune system work more efficiently in order to help fight the cancer. This treatment is also used along side chemotherapy, as a way for the body to help reduce the side effects of this treatment. However, this treatment can be used as an option in its own right.

Biotherapy is used to control the functions that make the cancer’s growth possible. From there, it is thought to be able to slow the growth rate down, and even to stop it all together. It is also used to strengthen the cells in the immune system and even to keep cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body.

Experts believe that by increasing a person’s immune system, they have a better chance of fighting off deadly diseases, and have given new hope to anyone looking for Brain Cancer Treatment Options.

Bone Cancer Treatment Options Tue, 23 Sep 2008 16:51:34 +0000 Cancer Treatment Writer It’s unfortunate that you hear people talk about getting cancer nearly everyday. The main reason why is that there are so many different types of cancer. From skin cancer, to ovarian cancer, to bone cancer. Technologies have made great process over the years in treating various forms of cancer, but just what are the options. For instance, what types of Bone Cancer Treatment Options are out there?

First of all, there is surgical removal. This is the main treatment when it comes to bone cancer. Surgeons remove the tumors, and if need be, some of the bone and muscle. In leg and arm surgeries, doctors try to save the entire limb with the use of tissues replaced from other bones. However, there are times when it is necessary to replace parts of limbs with artificial prosthetics.

Another option is one most people have heard of; chemotherapy. This is the process of injecting drugs into the bloodstream that work to stop the cancer cells from growing. The side effects of this treatment are hair loss, tiredness, nausea, and anemia. This treatment can be used either as a main treatment, or as a way to aid the surgical process.

A third option is radiation therapy. This can be done either externally or internally. The external method sends high-energy rays into the area in question, while the internal method enters the body through wires or catheters imbedded into the cancerous section. There are many side effects to this treatment, including burnt or dying skin tissues, hair loss, problems swallowing, and nausea.

For more information on Bone Cancer Treatment Options, talk to your local health care professional. Your best defense against cancer is knowing your options.
