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Drop In Cancer Mortality Among Middle Aged UK

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The largest research and charity organization in the United Kingdom, Cancer Research UK, has announced that according to their data, cancer deaths among people in the UK who are in their 50s have dropped significantly since 1971.

Specifically, the number of cancer deaths among people that age in 1971 was over 21,300, compared to less than 14,000 in 2010.

Among males, stomach cancer, Hodgkin's lymphoma, testicular cancer and lung cancer are the cancers which have claimed fewer and fewer victims. While for women, the drops have been seen in Hodgkin's, stomach cancer, cervical cancer and bowel cancer.

The organization credits the drop in mortality from these cancers to several factors, including better treatment availability (in radiation and chemotherapy), higher screening, and more effective delivery of treatment to patients by the NHS.

Professor Peter Johnson, Cancer Research UK's chief clinician said, ''The reduction in people smoking has been a big help, and we are also better at diagnosing cancers early and better at treating them whether by surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy.''

Source: Telegraph UK


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