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Online Resources

Online Health Sites

Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA)
The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia is the leading organisation representing pathologists in Australasia. Its mission is to train and support pathologists and to improve the use of pathology testing to achieve better healthcare. Pathology is about the study of the causes of disease and pathologists are the specialist medical doctors involved in the diagnosis and monitoring almost of all acute and chronic illnesses.
The Rarer Cancers Foundation
Online The Rarer Cancers Foundation offers advice and information to people with rare or less common cancers and to their families and friends. The charity facilitates supportive networking, raises awareness or rarer and less common cancers and works to ensure that people with rarer cancers have access to the best possible service.
describes the treatments for cancer, their side effects and tips on how to cope with them. Professionals and patients have teamed up to provide practical tools and evidence based advice which emphasises the benefits of self help and lifestyle to improve well-being, reduce the risk of relapse and improve long term overall survival. It is designed by Professor Robert Thomas voted the UK's British Oncology Association Oncologist of the Year
Cancer Patient Resources
Online Articles, patient perspectives, multiple in-depth resource guides and videos for Patients struggling with cancer on the road to survivorship
International RadioSurgery Association
Online IRSA® has provided educational information and guidelines on stereotactic radiosurgery for BRAIN TUMORS AND BRAIN DISORDERS to governments, regulatory agencies, insurers and referring physicians. The Association is an independent organization that provides emotional support, education and referrals for treatment to patients worldwide.
Lymphoma Info
Online Lymphoma resource with articles, videos, questions/answer, blogs, news and more.
ApoThera Inc.
Medication Therapy Management (MTM) for dialysis clinics and cancer patients. Pharmaceutical consultation for HealthVault users in AZ, CA, CO, HI, KY, NV, OH, TN & WA. Individualized written answers for specific drug questions requiring extensive research. We also have Pharmacalculator for computing dose equivalencies for various medications
Children's Cancer Fund of America, Inc.
Cancer Fund of America Inc
Uneasy Pink
One disquieted mind making peace with breast cancer and meaning - Drumming to Beat Cancer


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Cancer Support Groups


Cancer Support Groups at provide a support network for those facing life's challenges. Click on the following links to get a helping hand in a confidential, caring environment.

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