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Study Explores Singing As Cancer Survivorship Care


According to researchers from Cardiff University and from the Welsh cancer charity Tenovus, there is some real value to be had from participating in a vocal choir for both cancer survivors as well as their caregivers.

The researchers carried out a pilot study to determine whether there were any quality of life effects on cancer survivors and their caregivers from singing in a choir. They were looking for markers in both mental and physical health. They invited survivors and caregivers to take part in the Tenovus choir, and to fill out three questionnaires before they began participation and after participating in the choir for three months.

The questionnaires related to anxiety and depression (HAD), fatigue (MFI-20), and quality of life (QoL, SF-36). They were also monitored for lung capacity.

Researchers analyzed the responses to the questionnaires and found improvement in factors ranging from vitality to mental health, as well as significantly reduced anxiety and depression, after just three months' participation in the trial.

The Positive Effects of Singing

While they found no improvement in the physical aspects of either lung capacity or level of fatigue, they were able to determine there had been an increase in the strength of the participants' respiratory muscles (namely, an increase in the maximal expiratory static mouth pressure, or MEP).

Those who finished the three months also noted that the enjoyed an elevated mood along with a sense of achievement, both contributors to quality of life.

Source: Medical News Today


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