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UK watchdog group exposes nutritional quackery


An investigation of15 so-called 'nutritional therapists' in the United Kingdom exposed all but one of them as giving the kind of health advice that could have put the lives of their patients at serious risk, according to a report at the Daily Mail Online.

The watchdog group, Which? sent 15 of its investigators to 15 different providers who were calling themselves nutritional therapists, with a host of different but difficult diagnoses and asked the nutritionists what the best course of treatment would be.

The advice received was considered to be "potentially dangerous or misleading." This included one researcher who was posing as a breast cancer patient.

She was told by the therapist to put off the radiation treatment that had been recommended by her oncologist because they could make her cancer-free through a change in diet alone—a fallacy long known in the medical community but one that is often used by quack nutritionists. The advice was simple: cut sugar from the diet for three to six months because 'cancer feeds off sugar. By cutting out sugar we have a better chance of the cancer going away.'

The relationship between sugar and cancer has also been long understand to be far more complex than that.

Source: Daily Mail, Which?


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