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NICE rejects Avastin for advanced colorectal cancer


The UK's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has rejected Avastin (bevacizumab) as a treatment for advanced bowel cancer, citing trial data that they say is both unconvincing and fails to justify cost.

Avastin's maker, Roche, had offered to supply the drug to the UK at a cost of £20,800 ($32,430) per patient for one year, after which the drug would be free. Roche had also agreed to reimburse NICE for the additional costs of chemotherapy treatment involving Oxaliplatin. Finally, Roche offered a per-patient payment to NICE up front for each patient who was started on Avastin as first-line therapy.

Despite these efforts to sweeten the deal, NICE still said no.

Colorectal cancer


By Ross Bonander



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