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Patients with G.I. cancers experiencing side effects for years after treatment


According to an abstract presented at the annual Multidisciplinary Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, patients treated for gastric or esophageal cancer experience long-term complications from treatment, some lasting as long as four years.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia employed a free, self-reporting online tool to collect their data.

A total of 66 patients responded.

-- 80% had undergone esophageal cancer surgery
-- 20% were treated for gastric cancer
-- 62% were female, 38% were male
-- 93% were Caucasian.
-- 55 was the median age at diagnosis
-- 59 was the median age at the time they reported the late effects

Most patients reported undergoing surgery as well as chemotherapy, while about half received radiotherapy.

-- 100% of patients complained of difficulty in swallowing;
-- 60% had dry mouth / changes in taste;
-- 42% experienced cognitive changes;
-- 40% had dental problems;
-- 36% had tinnitus;
-- 36% had cardiovascular disease
-- 24% had peripheral neuropathy

Researchers said that while patients are typically distressed by these effects for up to 18 months, after that they tend to look past them and appreciate having their lives extended.

Source: Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium


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