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Snowboarding pioneer's cancer treatment a success


Jake Burton, the man whose efforts in the 1970s helped to establish snowboarding at ski resorts across the United States, is announcing that the treatment he began receiving for a testicular cancer diagnosis three months ago is finished and that he is effectively cancer-free.

According to Burton, the chemotherapy was a success ("my cancer is toast" he told employees). However, he still may face adjuvant therapy in the form of surgery or radiation in the near future.

In the 1970s while living in Colorado, Burton joined like-minded skiers in pursuing the building of snowboards. He eventually founded Burton Snowboards in 1977, today the largest such brand in the world.

About 9,200 US men will be diagnosed with testicular cancer each year. When found in the early stages, testicular cancer is highly treatable and often curable. In advanced stages however the prognosis is very poor.


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