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ABVD and the Side Effects

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There are many different chemotherapy regimens out there, each with there own set of side effects. However, many of the common side effect associated with chemotherapy are experienced with ABVD (Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, Dacarbazine). Chemotherapy, including ABVD, effects each individual differently, so I can only tell you how it has affected me.

Nausea has been a pretty consistent side effect after each of my treatments. It usually lasts for up to a week or so after the treatment. The good news is that the anti-nausea medications my doctor has provided work very well. Thanks to this the nausea has been very tolerable.

Fatigue has also been a consistent side effect. I usually have 1 or 2 good days after treatment before the fatigue sets in and I am too tired to do much of anything. This lasts anywhere from 2 to 5 days.

Mouth sores show up about 2 to 3 days after treatment. So far these have not been too bad for me. It is moderately painful to eat hot, cold, or rough foods for a few days and is treated with a prescription for "Magic Mouthwash." The mouthwash numbs your mouth for a period of time and actually works quite well.

Hair loss set in about 3 weeks after my first treatment. I decided to shave my head rather then deal with the constant loss of hair over time. I have been through 4 treatments at this point and have not lost my eye brows, eye lashes, or hair from any other area.

Neutropenia (low white blood cell count) occurred for me after just one treatment and caused my second treatment to be delayed by a week. My doctor prescribed shots of the growth factor Neulasta, which has been very effective at keeping my count within normal range since the first incidence.

There are a few other minor side effects that I have experienced, but the ones listed above are worth noting. is also a is also a recommended resource.

Content Manager,
Deep Dive Media

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