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Indiana man is first glioblastoma patient to receive Tumor Treating Fields


A 50 year old Indiana man with glioblastoma multiforme, or GBM, has become the first such patient in North America to be prescribed a brand-new FDA treatment for the disease outside of clinical trial.

The treatment is called Tumor Treating Fields, a novel, non-invasive therapy that uses alternating electrical fields to disrupt rapid cell division, a hallmark of cancer cells.

The therapy is administered by trained and certified health professionals using the NovoTTF-100A System, a portable device made by Novocure.

The patient has already endured surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, to no avail. The therapy offers him a new alternative, as it does many of the 10,000 or so new GBM patients diagnosed in the United States each year.

Source: Medical News Today


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