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Georgia Congressman diagnosed with prostate cancer


A routine screening, part of an annual physical exam, has discovered a case of early-stage prostate cancer in US Congressman John Barrow, a Democrat who has been serving the state of George's 12th District since 2005.

Doctors in Maryland near Washington DC will treat Congressman Barrow with radiation therapy, and he is expected to make a full recovery.

The Congressman issued the following comment: “Cancer is something you never want to hear your doctor say. But I’m very lucky to be living in an age of early detection and effective treatments. The good news is that the doctors expect a full recovery, and the therapy will not affect my ability to work."

According to the National Cancer Institute, over 217,000 men receive a diagnosis of prostate cancer every year in the United States, and each year the disease is believed to kill over 32,000 men.

The 5 year relative survival rate of prostate cancer when found in its early stages is listed at 100%, meaning all patients whose disease is found in its early stage are expected to live for at least five years. However, that survival rate drops to under 30% when the disease is discovered in after having metastasized.

Said the Congressman: “Figures like this give everyone with prostate cancer good reason for hope. One reason why [the early stage numbers are] so high is because more and more men are getting regular prostate screenings. Early detection is the key to beating this disease. Routine prostate screening probably saved my life, and it could save yours.”

SEER/NCI fact sheet on cancer of the prostrate


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