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In Search of a Match


One person shares their story in search of a bone marrow match:

"I received a note several days ago from a mutual friend, beginning "Just this past September, Michelle Parkin was abruptly diagnosed with advanced leukemia… She is a mom, just like so many of us, in love with life, modeling a healthy lifestyle for her children, and highly involved with activities that her children participate in."

The note then went on to describe what led to the diagnosis. She had simply been at home with her daughter, felt something wrong, and suffered a stroke. Once at the hospital, she suffered a second stroke. In diagnosing what caused the attacks, the doctors discovered acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), which is a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow.

For two months, Michelle had to remain in the hospital, simultaneously recovering from the strokes and fighting the cancer. She was allowed to come home for Thanksgiving, and as of this writing, is preparing to return to the hospital for a third round of aggressive chemotherapy."

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