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App alerts user to ovarian cancer symptoms, risks


The Ovarian Cancer National Alliance has produced an app compatible with desktop browsers, iPads, smartphones and more that could be a milestone in the intersection between apps and cancer.

The Ovarian Cancer Symptom Diary App is free and has been designed to help educate women about ovarian cancer, about the risk factors associated with the disease, and it allows the user to keep a daily diary of sorts regarding possible symptoms experienced, such as:

-- Loss of appetite / quickly feeling full
-- Abdominal pressure / swelling or bloating feeling
-- Pain or discomfort in the pelvis or abdomen
-- Urgency or frequency of urination

If the app user records any of these symptoms in the app diary for more than 14 days in any month, the app will automatically email the user as a means of prompting them to make an appointment with a doctor and have their symptoms checked out.

To learn more about the app, you can watch a video about the Ovarian Cancer Symptom Diary App at YouTube or visit

To learn about statistics on ovarian cancer, visit the National Cancer Institute's SEER Fact Sheet.


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